In the Woods near Gaddor’s House
When Gaddor wakes up, the party questions him and finds out that he was hired by House Vollis to kidnap Branod. It becomes somewhat apparent that Gaddor is simply a mercenary. Gaddor offers information on the whereabouts of Branod if the party agrees to let him go. Estenel offers Gaddor’s release, predicated on two conditions: that he freely give the location of Branod and how he is being guarded, and to agree to forfeit seeking vengeance upon the party. Violations of these conditions will result in the party approaching House Vollis and informing them that the party was informed by Gaddor himself that he had been hired by House Vollis to kidnap Branod. Gaddor agrees to these terms.
At Gaddor’s House
Gaddor takes us back to his house. We enter into the house, through a secret entrance in a hallway, and back to a room with a cell. Branod is there. We stock up on provisions in Gaddor’s kitchen, then head out of his house.
In Blackstone
We return to Blackstone and meet with Esken. He is grateful. However, we have no hard evidence of a link between Branod’s kidnapping and House Vollis. Branod offers 5000 copper for hard evidence between House Vollis and the kidnapping of Branod. We decide (with not-so-subtle hinting by Branod) to pursue Gaddor’s half-orc lackey (Brunnel).
In the Woods near Gaddor’s House
We head back to the battle site and pick up Brunnel’s trail. We follow it east until it comes to a spent campfire. Continuing on his trail, it heads down into a dead-end-ish valley. Flick starts looking around for a cave entrance. He spots a group of bushes that could possibly hide a cave entrance. After turning invisible and flying over to the group of bushes, Flick spots a door built into the hillside and hears voices beyond the door.
Secret Hideaway: East of Gaddor’s House
We all approach the door. Estenel casts Gift of Tongues and understands the people beyond the door. They appear to be caught up in some sort of table game. Flick opens the door, which lets light into the once-dark inner room. Being invisible, he heads into the room. One of the people inside yells “Go alert Cabra!”. We light a torch and head into the entry room before they are able to run off and get reinforcements.
Sophia enters the room and gets stuck by two arrows. Yukon enters the room with a lit torch. One of the doors in the room opens up and a large wolf enters the fray. There are three goblins in the room. After a couple seconds, Yukon notices two hobgoblins entering the room as well.
The fight continues. In the end, the party wins. Yukon is bleeding badly. Estenel is unconscious. We are about ready to haul our wounded back outside when one of the doors opens up in the entry room. Into the room comes a goblin and a half-orc. More combat ensues. Yukon passes out while buffing Sophia. How noble.
In the end, the only entity of the goblin faction that is still standing is the half-orc. He tries to run out of the room, to the outdoors. Flick and Sophia give chase. The half-orc drops his shield in order to beat feet faster. Flick is still flying, catches him, and drops the half-orc.
We take an accounting of the dead foes. The half-orc that we killed inside the entry room is Brunnel (Gaddor’s butler). We rest in the entry room until everyone is conscious. Sacking the place, we find a chest in the corner of the room. Flick tries to pick the lock and gets stabbed with a poison needle. Yukon neutralizes the poison.
Loot Gained:
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